
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Transferable Skills

The varnish has barely cured on Garratt 87 and Himself is already cracking on with completing the paint job on baby brother - or perhaps that should be little sister (?) - K1.

Our model, a Backwoods Miniatures kit, has spent years running around in its underwear waiting for Boston Lodge to complete the lining out, and then waiting for Himself to pluck up the courage / enthusiasm * (delete as appropriate) to finish the job.

It seems the moment has arrived. Here's a shot of the trial lining on one side of the front tank.

He's using lining from Fox Transfers. It's quite a challenge because the two colours have to be added individually. The real K1 has a very, very thin powder blue line on the inside edge of the straw colour, but we're not crazy enough to try that.


I have been corrected about which transfers we are using on K1. The red lining is from Kemco.

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