
Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Double Cream

A short update for you this time to show progress on painting the twin Barns which I've been working on.

They've had two coats of cream (or ivory if you prefer) above the waist.

You don't get to see a lot of me painting models on this blog - mainly because I don't do a lot of it - so I thought it was worth posting for the rarity value if nothing else.

They're being hand painted using a tin of Humbrol enamel so there's nothing particularly interesting to say about the process. However I can promise you something much more interesting that I'll be posting from Himself and his airbrush later this week...

While I'm on the subject I've received some correspondence from a reader who was a little confused about who 'Himself' was, so for the benefit of anyone who hasn't twigged or has recently discovered the blog I should explain that 'Himself' is my Father, David, who is one third of the Bron Hebog team and based 400 miles away from me in the Chilterns.

The other third, who is sometimes referred to as 'Our Artistic Director', is Francis, who is also webmaster of the Cooper Hire Model Railway Club blog. (That's the teaser feed at the top right hand of the screen) Officially this was started so they could tell the world about their other modelling activities but I have a theory that really it's for the benefit of their domestic authorities to disprove the (not wholly unreasonable) suspicion that they do nothing other than blether and drink beer during their weekly 'club nights'.

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