I'm still working away on my latest FR Barn carriage 106. This a model of the carriage in its 2002 rebuilt condition when it received a brand new body.
At the moment I'm concentrating on the interior. I make up each of the seats and tables and glue them in individually.
Here's how the third class double seats start off...
The square bits (with the rounded edges) will be the bottom section and the backs will be glued along the middle of each to make a double-sided seat.
You'll see the backs are not perfect rectangles - this is to represent the latest style of seats being turned out by the carpenters at Boston Lodge with a curved top to each seat, as seen below in 105...
My seats made out of 60" styrene sheet - a little thicker than it should be for scale, but don't have any 40" in stock at the moment.
These ones in the picture below are going to be the single seats at each end of the third class compartments, which are placed thus to make room for the through corridor...
Pieces of strip are fixed underneath to set the seats to the right height and to glue them to the floor / underframe combo.
So here are all the third class seats and tables ready to be fixed in the carriage..
And of course there is a first class compartment too. Originally the Barns were equipped with four ex-Pullman seats. After the rebuild the two composites, 106 & 107, have a simpler design without the wings on each side of the headrest...
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