
Sunday, 29 May 2011

Railex - Day 1

A few snaps from the first day of Railex at Stoke Mandeville with Dduallt on show for the first time in 18 months.

It was a day of debuts for some of our latest models.

Firmly in the realms of modellers' licence WHR NGG16 87 made a few light engine trips around the spiral.

A WHR construction train also appeared to have continued onto FR metals using the cross town link in Port....

As promised Mr Rudd's birthday special was recreated. Our Moelwyn is in green livery and our 101 had to be turned to face Blaenau to double for 123 which is still on the workbench, but not a bad effort....

The cherry picker was on show for the first time, taking its place in a P Way / S&T train..

There is one casualty to report. Sadly Blanche is out of traffic for the rest of the weekend after a catastrophic loss of quartering on the rear axle which lead her to shed a fly crank. Quite an achievement for a model which is all-gear drive!!!

It was great to meet a number of blog readers at the show, look forward to maybe seeing some more today.


  1. Hi,

    What Gauge/Scale are you running and modelling these NGG16 on - 7mm on 16.5 or 4mm on N Gauge?

    Kind Regards


  2. Hi Bryn, they are 009, which is 4mm scale on 9mm(N)track.

