
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Three Doors On My Wagon

So, after success casting single DZ door units I have now moved on to trying to reproduce whole wagon sides.

And here is a mould full of resin...

...and here is one of the castings removed and given a quick clean up.

I've cast 8 of them now and I think I'm reasonably satisfied with the way these have come out.

It's quite tricky to get the rear surface - the bit that is on the top as you pour the liquid resin into the mould - as smooth and flat as I'd like it to be.

I have tried the trick of passing the edge or a sheet of clear plastic along the top, but perhaps I've not yet got the knack fully.

There are a few pinprick air bubble holes here and there, but mostly they'll be easily sorted with filler or something like that.

The other issue has been with the wee dangly bits below the frame. Not all of them cast perfectly every time - which is not surprising given how small and thin they are - but as the WHR wagons are more than a little battered and have quite a few of them missing hopefully we'll be able to get around it.

It may be possible to graft on some of the good ones which have to be sliced off in place of a couple of the ropey ones. The question is whether the bond will be robust enough for life on the exhibition circuit??


  1. The dangle bits of metal are weights or flaps to stop the doors from damaging the VAC pipe or bogies when dropped after opening them. Most people drop them because there so dam heavy!

  2. To help reduce the bubbles in the castings, it might be worth investing in a hand massager or an electric toothbrush to vibrate the casting as you are pouring it and for a couple of seconds/munities after. This might also help the resin to flow into the small bits at the base and level out after.
    It works when pouring the concrete into brick arch moulds...
