I made an excellent investment the other day - and now I wonder how I ever managed to make models for more than two decades without one of these tools?
They are - in case you were wondering - a set of broaches, and they've already proved invaluable in clearing the axlebox holes in the Bettendorf bogie castings for my kits.
Until now I've been managing to do jobs like this with a round file. And to be honest I was rather hesitant about shelling out £20 for them at the trade stand at Model Rail Scotland, but Himself told me (not in so many words) to stop being so tight. And he was right.
Although a file did clear the holes it was a time consuming process and I snapped quite a few of the very delicate castings while attempting to open them up enough for the brass bearing cups to fit through.
With a broach the process take seconds and I'm much less likely to damage the castings while doing it.
The hole will be a lot more accurate as well. Now go and buy a tapered reamer. And the smaller sized set of broaches. Invaluable tools.