Bron Hebog and Dduallt were carted away on the back of a van yesterday.
But don't worry - it's not how it looks.
The layouts were only being taken away for safe storage while Himself has the builders in to extend his garage - or perhaps we should adopt some estate agent speak here and refer to it as a Model Railway Construction Suite.
The ,which is due to start this week, should give him a lot more space to erect more of the layout to work on at any one time.
The extension scheme required planning permission not only from the Council but also the domestic authority for whom the deal was sweetened by the prospect of a second bathroom and a utility room.
(Don't be fooled by Himself's easy-going manner - he's a cunning as a fox!)
Hopefully the layouts will be back safe and sound in their new palatial premises in a couple of months and Himself can get on with developing the scenery further for the visit to the Welsh Highland Great & Small event in September.
Peter Denny used to refer to it as a "railway salon". Nice phrase I think.