I try not to write too many self-indulgent, self-congratulatory posts - which is a trap I fear it would be easy to fall into as a blogger - but I'll make an exception today because I have achieved one of the targets I set myself for the year.
And I should be thanking you all, too, because the ambition was to achieve 200,000 pageviews, which as you can see from the counter in the menu section on the right hand side of the page has been surpassed.
I know that a basic count of page views is a very imprecise way of measuring the impact a website is having but even so its quite satisfying to see.
The counter has become a little meaningless at times over the past few months as various spam bots and web crawlers have locked onto the site leading to rather improbable spikes in traffic every time something new is posted, but even allowing for those I think I can be reasonably confident the number of genuine views has passed 200k.
So many thanks to you, wherever you are the in the world and whatever your interest in the FR & WHR or narrow gauge modelling for stopping by and reading the blog.
Writing this does take up time that otherwise might be spent modelling so it's good to know that it is being read and I hope to have lots more to tell you about in 2014.
Onwards to half a million!
Have no fear! Your'e eagerly watched in this house.