I've been telling you a little fib for all these weeks when I've been describing the boards at the back right corner of the layout - the Rhyd Ddu end - as the last ones we've got to build. In fact there is one more, at the other end beyond Goat Tunnel and heading for the Aberglaslyn Pass.
It wasn't a complete lie because this board has been in use on the layout - it was at the show at Dinas last year - but that's only because it was being used as the temporary southern fiddle yard.
Now the track and the plywood sheet has been pulled off and its ready to be transformed into the final scenic board.
This one will have a simpler 90 degree bend into the fiddle yard rather than the 180 degree U turn at the other end.
When this one's done the basic structure of the layout really will be completed.
Would I lie to you, dear reader?
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