
Thursday, 13 November 2014

DIY - Design It Yourself

I have often said in jest that I suspected the carriages produced a Boston Lodge Works were designed on the back of a fag packet, but now I know this to be true. Well, near enough.

Next up on the list of projects to be tackled is a model of the FR's latest carriage, a modified Super Barn 119.

I approached my usual source in the hope of obtaining a set of plans but all they could come up with this time was a scribbled note of the basic window pillar positions on a sheet of graph paper.

You couldn't even go so far as to call it a sketch.

Fortunately that's all the information I need. I have a drawing of the 1st generation Super Barn (a plan which was redrawn after I pointed out it bore no relation to the carriage they actually built!) plus I also have our models to work from. So there are enough known knowns, as it were.

So the other night it was out with the faithful old drawing board and a nice sharp pencil and created an outline drawing of the carriage in 4mm scale to work from.

Lots of other people, I suppose, would have knocked this up using some free CAD program but this is a very low tech operation.

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