I've always been guilty of daydreaming about the next project when I'm only half way through my current one.
So it is I am already musing about how I'm going to go about making my next wagon, the WHR's new water tanker.
The justification for its construction is to carry thousands of gallons of water which could be hauled directly to the site of a large lineside far in a remote location.
Visitors to the railway this autumn, however, could be fooled into thinking its primary purpose is to create more authentic looking South African freight formations for photo charters!
It is no coincidence that it is a dead ringer for the wagons the Garratts used to drag around for additional water capacity.
Making a model should be relatively straight forward.
The frame is a flat DZ wagon so there's no problem knocking one of those out in resin.
I have had my spies measure the dimensions of the tank which scaled down work out at roughly 21mm diameter and plastic pipe of that size is available off the rack at most local DIY centres.
Which leaves me wondering about how best to do the ends.
At the moment my thoughts are turning to borrowing the bits from the venerable Dapol (ex-Airfix) 00 oil tank wagon kit.
Without one to hand I can't be sure how it compares for diameter but I'm guessing it's a little bit bigger but they could be reduced a little and would still have the right sort of fat look that I need.
Once I've got carriage 119 out of the way I shall investigate further.
If you need an exact size to fit the pipe then 3D printing might be an option. A skim of filler over the pieces would deal with any stepping effects.