I've got the farm house looking reasonably presentable for the exhibition this weekend.
It's a long way from finished - there are no chimneys for a start and there's a lean-to shed at the back missing - but as least it looks like a house.
The hipped roof gave me headaches as they always to - I'm hopeless whenever sloping angles come into play.
It was complicated this time by the need to leave large gaps for the lead flashing in the gullies and the considerable overhangs.
Hopefully it won't look too silly sitting in its space on the layout.
Perhaps people who don't know the area will just think its a very clean white-washed building?
Whatever, we haven't got long to wait to find out because this time tomorrow (Friday) we'll be erecting Bron Hebog and Dduallt in the Goods Shed at Dinas.
I've been looking forward to this for the best part of a year now!
The first time the F&WHR staged the event two years ago there was a lovely relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the shed and I'm sure it'll be the same again this time.
If you can't get along I shall try to post some photos on the Bron Hebog Facebook page over the weekend and maybe even a few here as well.
A word of warning though: the wifi connection is in the pub so the words may make even less sense than they usually do.
Really looking forward to seeing the layouts, good luck with it all.
ReplyDeleteNigel Kendall