I posted last week about my fears that Himself was about to be distracted from the narrow gauge project by his grandson (aka The Trainee) and my prophesy has come to pass even sooner than I had expected.
I suspect Himself may already be regretting his innocent suggestion of taking The Trainee along to the local exhibition last weekend.
No sooner had we entered the venue that The Trainee zeroed-in like a cruise missile on a box of old OO track being sold off behind one of the trade stands.
Anyone who has ever had dealings with a 3 and a half year old will appreciate that from that fateful moment there was no way that Himself was going to be allowed to leave empty handed.
He is now the proud owner of 10 yards of finest concrete sleeper PECO Streamline which The Trainee is expecting to be transformed into a basic
train set by his next visit.
(You can take it from me that Himself's life won't be worth living if it's not! The Trainee will see to that.)
Incidentally, I suspect the choice of concrete sleepers was a deliberate move - he's no doubt anticipating high speed running!
have you grandson help you lay the track and build up the scenery. but let him pore the ballast and get his hands dirty!