
Saturday, 31 December 2016

Review Of The Year - Part 3

And so to the final installment of our look back at the modelling year.


The Disco Car was finally complete and painted and underwent some light test running on Dduallt prior to delivery.

The method of delivery was very unique, and appropriate, in that it involved a trip in the cab of Lyd from Porthmadog to Boston Lodge Works.

Another significant carriage development this month was the fitting of the roof and glazing to our model of 150 with their devilish curves.


Within a few weeks of Himself handing it back over to me I'd finishing making and fitting the interior to this most luxurious of narrow gauge carriages.

The posts for October - which you can search for on this blog - described how I made masters for the saloon armchairs and the seats in the front observation section from styrene and cast the ones I used out of resin, with some extra styrene details glued on to finish.

Himself also delved into his drawers and put together a couple of B wagon kits which had been lying unmade for a couple of years.

They required some modifications to represent the prototypes in service on the F&WHR


Towards the end of the year Himself decided that it was time to resume work on Bron Hebog itself which hadn't been touched for more than a year since it was last shown at Super Power at Dinas in the autumn of 2015.
The task in hand is to model the line side fencing, which we're doing using cocktail sticks and thread.

With 150 sent back to Himself for painting and lining I could devote myself to making the service car 125.

By the middle of the month the sides and ends were ready to be assembled into a body shell.


And so to the final month which has continued along the same lines.
I have been working on fitting an interior to 125.

While Himself has been making progress with the fencing on the layout.  There's rather a lot of it!

So all that remains is to thank you for dropping by and reading the blog in 2016, and to wish you all the best for 2017 and we hope that you will continue to come to these pages so we can share our progress with you.

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