
Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Pots And Carriages

Carriage 15 has been given a coat of primer after I returned it to Himself with its interior made.

As well as chatting about how he should tackle the horrendously intricate Victorian livery Himself and I had a useful discussion about lamp pots.

You may remember a couple of weeks ago I was casting a set for our model of bowsider 19.

After he trial fitted them to the roof (they have had little brass pins inserted in the bottom of them so they can be located accurately into holes drilled in the roof) he sent me couple of snaps and both of us concluded that they were a little on the tall side.

So I set about altering the master, formed another mould, and have been casting some shorter ones.

It occurred to me that we might find a use for some of the original ones on 15, which has taller pots.

I wonder why this is?

Is it because there are half the number of lamps (3 on carriage 15 versus 6 on carriage 19) and therefore they had a bigger lamp which generated more heat and so needed a bigger holder?

Or is it just an historic case of the FR never making anything the same, ever?

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