
Sunday, 22 April 2018

On The Wind Up

It's provocative enough us giving a run out to our model of Russell on Bron Hebog and we could see even more muttering with what I'm thinking about as my next project.

If the pictures had emerged a couple of days later you'll have thought the WHHR painting their ex-Vale of Rheidol guards van in BR blue livery was an April fool.

I've always had a thing about the blue livery on the Rheidol, it takes me back to my childhood, and one day I'd really like to have a model of one of the Swindon engines in that condition.

We'll need a brake van to run in the WHHR train I'd like to assemble, and this van has made it to Beddgelert on the test trains, albeit in a brown colour scheme.

There is a Dundas kit for these vans, although they're in original condition with matchboarding and lookout duckets.

My plan would be to employ chassis from the kit and use the sides as guides for making alternative sides from styrene.

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