Since the weekend the bogies for James Spooner have advanced with the first almost ready to be connected to a motor for a test under power.
These bogies are deceptively hard work.
You might suppose that a simple four wheel chassis with no valve gear would go together quite easily, but much like with the real things the problem is that there’s very little room to squeeze everything in.
In the case of the models the problem area is behind the crosshead which has a fag-paper clearance to the coupling rod behind.
It’s doable - but only just!
The second bogie is also coming along.
Three wheels are fitted but the crank pins have yet to be cut to length.
Despite the difficulties of making them they are lovely works of art.
Chop off the box holding the worm gear - and strip the gears off the leading axles - and you’ve got beautiful miniature models of real Fairlie power bogies.
*ba dum tsssssss*