
Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Post Exhibition Blues

We had a great weekend at our home club exhibition in Greenock giving Bron Hebog its Scottish debut.

Rather like with the return from a holiday, however, the days following a show like this leave you feeling rather flat.

I suspect it will be a few days before I get my mojo back.

Part of it, I think, is a subconscious feeling of dissatisfaction that local shows like ours don't always get the credit, or the clientele, they deserve.

This year's show in Greenock might have been small compared to one of the events in a big city but I would argue the quality of what was on show was on a par with anything I've seen elsewhere in recent years.

There are good things happening in Scottish railway modelling right now, but I have a suspicion its not getting the recognition it deserves.

The OO layouts which came first and second in the public vote in Greenock would find a place at any of the best exhibitions in the UK - Kilbowie (the Caley in Clydebank at the end of steam) and Barnsford Bridge (a bang-up to date depot layout) combine excellent scenic modelling with beautifully detailed and modified models plus the immersive experience of DCC light and sound.

We were humbled to receive a great many compliments for Bron Hebog but I suspect that for many of the ordinary punters, who are not dyed in the wool railway enthusiasts, it went slightly over their heads.

It's probably a taste of what it's always felt like to be exhibiting a continental layout at any time ever...

The truth is narrow gauge modelling - especially with 'weird' engines like Garratts - is very niche.

You can never get the same ego boost at a show like the one this weekend as we do when we've had it on display in the goods shed at Dinas station, with the real engines simmering outside and surrounded by an audience who know what they're looking at and, dare I say (?), fully appreciating what's gone into creating it.

It's a similar story in the online modelling world.

I've spent nearly 10 years writing this blog and posting on social media but still attract a fraction of the followers than many other modern image OO bloggers and vloggers can attract.

Is it frustrating? Frankly, yes it is.

Perhaps I'm just crabbit with the post-exhibition blues.


  1. It may feel frustrating but I always feel very inspired by what you're doing. If only Greenock wasn't the opposite end of the country to where I live...

  2. I fully understand your frustration, but the value of what we do isn't measured in likes or followers. I am unlikely ever to do 009 again (fingers too big, eyesight getting worse), but I find your blog an incredibly inspirational look into what you're doing. So, a big thank you from me for all your hard work, it makes a difference here in the square workshop.

  3. Likewise - no reason to get downhearted ! Bron Hebog is a fantastic layout modelling a fascinating, up-to-date prototype - and it's a great tribute to the hard work of those who created it, as well as an inspiration to us lesser modellers !
