
Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Trouble In The Valleys

Himself is a man in need of a plan.

He reports that he was getting on well with the 3mm 2-8-0 GWR 42xx tank for the Engineering Consultant until progress ground to a halt.

Note to self: NOT a Prairie - doh!

He had the brakes attached, connecting rods made up and fitted (very fiddly) and all working.

But because the kit is shrunk from a 7mm version the cross heads and slide bars - which were white metal parts in 7mm - are too small to copy in 3mm and a common etch has been supplied in place without much guidance.

So he has some head scratching to do to find out how it goes together correctly.

As as aside, he says it makes putting together an NGG16 look like a walk in the park....

1 comment:

  1. 3mm slidebars are fairly easy ! Fold them in half,then fold up the half round part. The outer part of the crosshead is spaced out from the inner part ( the small part to the left on the fret. You'll need to make a piston rod from a lill pin or similar and it should slide in a tube mounted in the centre cutout in the half round cylinder part. This is only a guide, but as you make fiddly NG engines this should help !
