
Sunday, 23 February 2020

Best One Yet

I spent a very enjoyable few hours in the company of Himself at the Model Rail Scotland show at the SEC in Glasgow this weekend and I have to say I think its been the best one yet.

The stand-out layout for me had to be the 4mm EM north London Hornsey Broadway which totally captured the feel of the approaches to Kings Cross set in the early 1970s.

There was some very thoughtful modelling, a muted and very subtle weathering to the scene, and most importantly, everything was to the same standard - there was nothing which jarred.

The Glasgow show has really come on in recent years, raising itself up to what I believe should always have been its place as one of the top shows in the UK.

This wasn't always the case.

For a long time I believe it was hamstrung by it's co-operative constitution, relying mostly on member clubs to provide layouts.

Since they began upping the number of layouts invited from across the Border so the standards of home-grown Scottish modelling have risen - or at least it appears that way to me as a visitor over the last 25 years.

Fallside by Clyde MRC was another which impressed me - not least because it featured a kit built example of my all-time favourite EMUs the 303 'Blue Trains'.

Hills Of The North - The Spirit Of Shap was a layout I wanted to pull up a chair and spend hours watching.

Just like Bron Hebog they capture the feel of the train running through the landscape.

The Bridge At Remagen justifiably won one of the prizes at the show and it was hugely impressive, although on a personal level I stilll have a mental block about Continental (and military-themed) modelling.

There was a Narrow Gauge fix courtesty of the evergreen Lothians and Miniature Railway Club.

They had a lovely couple of 7mm scale Englands.

Speaking of which I finally got a look at this wee beastie...

...but I won't say any more than that because I've got into trouble before for offering an opinion on something which is being put on public display...….

1 comment:

  1. Hornsey Broadway is a superb layout - and the lead in the issue of BRM that will be on the newsstands this week! #blatentplug
