
Saturday, 31 October 2020

Purple Patch

Himself has decided it is finally time to start painting Welsh Pony.

As you can see, we've bowed to the inevitable and decided to finish our model in the present day 'temporary' livery, which it seems will be a little more permanent.

I'm not entirely surprised, but I will admit to being a little disappointed because I quite liked the idea of the 'Garraway Green' as a glimpse of what might have been.

But in recent decades the default preference for the FR and its supporters has been for Victoriana and Spoonerism - the stand-out example of that being the decision to build the new Double Fairlie James Spooner rather than a rebuild of Earl of Merioneth, which represented the high point of 'Back to Blaenau' revivalism. 

As an FR supporter who is interested in the whole of its 184 year history I believe there is room for both, but I believe this imbalance will be corrected by changing demographics in support base in the decades to come.

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