
Saturday, 2 January 2021

Happy New Year - Start Saving!

Best wishes for 2021 to everyone who clicks in to read this blog! I wonder what this year will bring?

I predict it's going to be a very significant one for 009 narrow gauge modelling.

We know of at least one new locomotive (the Heljan Lyn) which is about to be released, and a couple of exciting projects in development (the Peco/Kato England engine and a VofR tank commissioned by Model Rail) and I wouldn't be surprised if there is not more announcements by the end of year.

2021 could get very expensive!

Himself has been trying out our second RTR item having received a Peco first class bug box in Victorian livery for Christmas.

First impressions are very good!

It looks at home running as part of our Victorian train with our kit built, brass stock.

Direct comparison with our fleet of 'Small Birminghams' from the Chris Veitch range show the Peco carriage is slightly longer and the lower body slightly deeper.

The FR monograms on this carriage look as if they might be a little on the large side when comparing with photographs.

The livery detail is very crisp and far better than we could replicate ourselves, but being made of plastic it could perhaps do with a little more weight, especially if it's going be positioned at the head of a string of brass carriages.

I suspect Himself will also look at replacing the plastic wheelsets with something with metal tyres.

If more are produced depicting the contemporary FR fleet - for example the 3rd class carriages fully glazed rather than with side panels - I've no doubt we'll see more of them join our fleet.

This model bodes well for the FR bowsider that Peco will be producing.  

See what I mean about 2021 being expensive??


1 comment:

  1. Indeed. The trouble having one layout based on the FR and the other on the VoR. That said, seeing the popularity in 009 RTR can only be a good thing for the scale.
