
Thursday, 27 May 2021

Twin Tanks

Now the Covid rules have changed for (almost) all of Scotland we are allowed to poke about inside each other's houses once more, and I've had the chance to inspect what Himself's been up to in his den.

A project I haven't featured on the blog for quite a while is a number of 3mm scale kits he's building for the Engineering Consultant.

This pair of ex-GWR 2-8-0 tanks are made from different kits (sorry, I can't remember what they are) and represent two varieties, the 42XX and the 5205 classes.

Swindon aficionados will be able to tell you all the differences, starting with the obvious one which is the outside, or not, steam pipes.

They do look really rather good and remind me again what an attractive size standard gauge 3mm scale models are.

1 comment:

  1. Looking very good - now its the 60 odd wagons to go behind !
