
Monday, 6 September 2021

A Big Relief

Wiring and control panel work wasn't the only thing happening on the 'test track' at the weekend.

While Himself was playing around with the soldering iron I set to work on another Metcalfe kit, this time for the main building of the station.

This one required quite a degree of kit-bashing because it is not to be positioned on the main part of the layout - it's too tall - but built in half relief and placed in the gap between the edge of the layout and the wall.

Given the depth of the gap it's not so much half-relief as three-quarters-relief.

When the layout is folded away this building - and half the platform - will remain in place sitting on top of the shelf which the layout rests on.  

With the layout down you should hardly notice the gap.

Well, that's the theory, anyway.

Adapting the kit was fun but made more challenging by the way the building is made up of four blocks, and each one had to be thinned by the same amount to make sure that when they were fixed together all the roof parts still connected as they should.

The front looks quite normal, as it should, and the rear - which doesn't have the windows installed because no one will ever see it - does quite a convincing turn as an abandoned post-Beeching shell.

Since these pictures were taken it's been completed with the roof and all the trimmings and I'm pretty pleased with the result.


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