
Thursday, 16 December 2021

Diversionary Tactics

Something that was proven during the early stages of the Covid pandemic is what marvellous therapy making model railways is to take your mind off all the worry about what might, or might not, be coming down the tracks towards us.

Perhaps its no coincidence, given the current situation with the Omicron variant, that I have decided to start some serious planning, and track laying, on the narrow gauge part of the 'test track'.

I'd held off on this until we'd made some solid progress with the electrics on the standard gauge layout.

Now that around half the point motors are fitted and wired up it seems like the right time to decide on where the two foot tracks will go.

I'm really keen to emphasise the different in size between standard and narrow gauge, which is very apparent when they're in close proximity, just like the effect you get at the headshunt at Blaenau Ffestiniog station

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