
Tuesday, 11 January 2022

2001: A Narrow Gauge Odessy

I noticed by chance the other day that this blog has reached the 2000 post milestone - in fact this is number 2001 - which seems like something worth marking.

Having never been a diary-keeper I'm quite chuffed at being able to maintained a regular stream of updates over the last 10 years and more.

It thought it might be amusing to have a look at the stats and see which of the posts have proved the most read over the years.

By part the most popular single post is one that's relatively humdrum about our indecisiveness on a colour for WHR Garratt 143 which has received more than two and a half thousand hits.

The figures are far higher for the pages and advice articles - boosted, no doubt, by the number of photographs in each piece.

The most-read section here is the Model Of The Week Archive, which was something I was doing for quite a while where I wrote a post explaining the background of an individual model, and collected them in one monster thread.

That section along is responsible for more than 10 thousand page views.

The other one which has done really well is a 'how to' I wrote describing my technique for making carriage sides using styrene strip and sheet.

This piece is also getting close to five figures for page views.

It seems a lot of people have read it, but so far as I can tell very few seem to have been tempted to try the technique for themselves.

Oh well, as long as you all enjoy the read, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I've definitely used the carriage building pages to give it a go - mine don't look as sharp as yours but I'm happy with them. Made two so far with three more underway - pictures are on NGRM.
