
Thursday, 17 February 2022

Breeding Buildings

There's not a tremendous amount to report this time.

As far as I know Himself is working through the mountain of wheel cleaning and final checks ahead of setting up at Model Rail Scotland a week from now.

Having finished my marathon casting session to restock Light Railway Stores with wagon kits, I've spend a few enjoyable evenings making up the Meltcalfe building kits my youngest received for his birthday to pep up the 'test track'.

Not only are these really well designed and solid, they are also very adaptable, and much fun can be had kit-bashing.

I've turned the 'small factory' kit into a trio of low relief buildings, slimming down the single storey unit to fit the gap between the folding baseboard and the shelf it rests on, and slicing the mill-style three storey building into two.

On the other side of the circle I've fused two arched bridge kits to create a structure which has given the Engineering Consultant kittens.

I plead Grandfather Rights.

This was all a pleasant change from the casting, but I fear I will be getting the resin out sooner than I anticipated because it appears nearly all the new stock sold out within 48 hours of delivery, which is a blessing and a curse.

That will be what I've had to get on with after we return from Model Rail Scotland.

I still can't get my head around the fact we'll be exhibiting again in 7 days time. 

It's been so long since the last show we took a layout to, because of the pandemic, and it feels strangely unreal and distant still, something that creeps up on you in a rush rather like Christmas does..

I also must confess that I am still mildly cheesed off that Bron Hebog did not merit a mention the long preview article for the show in Hornby Magazine.

It sounds a little big headed, I accept, but I would have hoped by now the layout would have enough of a reputation that it might have been included in what was quite a long list of layouts appearing at the show, especially since the editorial team at the magazine got in contact with us more than a year ago expressing an interest in featuring the layout in their publication.

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