
Saturday, 5 March 2022

Warley, Baby!

I want to begin by thanking everyone who left supportive comments on our social media after the last post about Model Rail Scotland.

I appreciate your forbearance scrolling through while I let off some steam, but after effectively giving up five days (including some precious holiday allowance) and coming out of it feeling your efforts were unappreciated - by a few people you’d hoped would have paid more attention - I think a little strop can be forgiven.

Instead let’s move on with some more positive news, and we were all delighted when an offer that was intimated to us at the SEC was confirmed in writing: Bron Hebog will be going to Warley in 2023!

The Bron Hebog crew and FR volunteers at Warley 2004 with LT while exhibiting Ddaullt

This won’t be first visit to the NEC for Bron Hebog.

Back in 2009 we were asked by the FR to bring along the station boards which were still at a very early stage of development, to complement their display.

The start of the Cwm Cloch bend was there, and the northern entrance to Goat Tunnel was landscaped, but also  still just painted brown plaster.

At the time I recall lots of people commenting that they looked forward to seeing it when it’s finished.

14 years is a long time to wait...I hope they’re not disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Great news, and just shows the layout is appreciated.

    Just a thought, but I wonder whether including Beddgelert in the layout name would increase recognition and interest? It is a well known tourist spot so many will recognise the name, even if not familiar with the railway.
