
Sunday, 11 April 2021

Sliding In

There's certainly some head scratching required putting together the Dundas brass kit for the WHR Pickering brake coach, the replica of which will shortly be rolled out from Boston Lodge for the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway.

I hadn't realised that this was as much a case of a 'scratch aid' kit as you'd get with the Worsley product.

One of the issues we've had to overcome is how we'll get an interior in there.

The body has more strength than other brass carriage because there there wide taps top and bottom which fold up and guard against the sides getting pushed inwards and becoming misshapen.

However it does leave you wondering how you are supposed to insert full width compartment dividers and bench seats?

So the solution Himself has come up with is to cut pieces out midway along along the sections at the top of the carriage.

I can then make up the interior in short sections which can be lowered, one by one, into the carriage and slid into position.

A roof will have to be fixed in position as the last thing after painting and when the interior and glazing are fitted.

It's a much more inconvenient way of doing things than with out scratch built carriages where we maintain access at all times so the glazing is the very last thing to go in.

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