
Friday, 9 April 2021

That Works

We're delighted, once again, at a terrific job done for us by our friends at Light Railway Stores with a set of works plates for the cab side of Welsh Pony.

These really are quite tiny, but it's amazing the detail which they still get onto them.

The only problem is we forgot that the loco has two on each side, and only ordered one pair - oops!

Hopefully it won't take too long for a second set to arrive.

Speaking of Welsh Pony, it was very satisfying to get further confirmation that we made the right call in deciding to finish the model in its current guise.

Any student of the FR post-revival knows that anything described as 'temporary' ends up being anything but.

The latest edition of the FR Magazine includes an article mentioning that the loco is expected to stay in this condition for at least ten years.

Good job we didn't decide to wait for it to appear in the Garraway Green livery, then.....

1 comment:

  1. That is certainly one view. However, I consider mine to be a portent of things to come,as well as my personal nod to the great man. As such, I make no excuses in exercising my modellers licence and running Welsh Pony on TYB in Garraway Green. ;-)
