
Saturday, 21 August 2021

Domestic Duties

Himself has been putting the finishing touches to a little side project to make a track cleaning wagon, which will be handy for the hard-to-reach areas in the centre of Bron Hebog.

This was made up from a Nine Lines L and B bogie van we ended up with - I can't remember how - and finished in the current FR infrastructure livery to try and make it blend in a little.

I'm not fond of this colour scheme, I think it looks dreadfully dull, and I might have thought you would wish vehicles that are likely to be in the vicinity of personnel working on the track to stick out like a sore thumb, but what do I know?

It makes a nice little model, and if we ever get back to exhibitions then it will probably make a few circuits during the course of the day to try and keep everything running smoothly.

It's packed with so much lead weight that it needs to be topped and tailed with two locomotives.


  1. Looks good - what have you used for the pad underneath? Tempted to try and do something similar for myself!

  2. It’s just a piece of cloth - the secret is in the springing - see previous post
