
Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Two Slices

I've been getting very behind in my blogging again.

It's not that there's no modelling going on, but the lack of updates here is because I have been lured back to the dark side of standard gauge and have spent much of my spare time in the last couple of weeks working on the tracklaying on the dual gauge 'test track' in the study.

Officially, this is a more practical solution for my son's OO 'train set'.........

I have stayed away from posting updates about that here because you come to read about narrow gauge modelling, right?

I did manage to get some FR work done immediately after my return from a few days in Wales  - the first time at the railway since 2019.

With the arrival in the post of a pack of fresh Hudson bogies I have trial-fitted the chassis in the toast rack carriage 39.

The task which am putting off - and which the OO track is providing an ideal excuse for - is trying to find a way to represent the tiny mesh safety doors fitted to this carriage.

All suggestions welcome...


  1. Well, I enjoy reading ANYTHING about model trains, so feel free to post about any and all of your models and layouts. I do so enjoy reading what you write about your adventures in modelling.

  2. I'd happily read about the standard gauge stuff.

  3. Regarding the doors Rob, some sort of etched Mesh would do that job nicely - have a google and you'll find all sorts for military modellers.
