My first reaction on opening the email was, wow!!
Now I've been building this thing for the best part of three years and that's a long time to keep looking at a model in virgin white styrene so I was stunned at how good it looks it its proper yellow livery. (I hope that doesn't sound big-headed.)
The roof has been sprayed in dirty black, which is not quite as black as pure black. You'll just have to take my word for this because it looks pretty black in the pictures.
There's at least another coat of yellow to be sprayed on and then it'll be a case of picking out details in other colours, mainly black and gunge, on the tamping head and the tines and all the other mechanical bits.
For comparison here's a shot of it all in primer.
I would like to hope we'll have it finished in time for Dduallt's appearance at Railex in Stoke Mandeville in May when the tamper may be making its first foray up the FR mainline (aside from testing on the Cob, that is).
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