The final stage of construction / detailing is to add the rivets, which are mostly found on the frames and the operating platforms at each end.
For these I've decided to use an ingenious American product - rivet transfers. Basically these are tiny blobs of resin stuck onto ordinary waterslide transfer film and you apply them just like any other waterslide product. And quite brilliant they are too.
You can buy them online from the manufacturer Archer Transfers
They release from the backing paper as easily as any transfer I have ever come across needing just a second or two in the water before they can be slid off the backing paper.
The downside is they don't seem to stick to the model that well and I've been brushing them with decal fix solution in the hope they will soften and stick a little better.
Some other modellers apply them after the model has been primed, but in this case the primer will also be the top coat so they are being applied straight onto the styrene, which may well be a factor in how well they are, or are not, sticking I suppose.
It's taking a while to do them because I find after a while the little spots begin to swim in front of my eyes!
What do you reckon so far, then?
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