Thursday, 31 December 2020
2020 Review - Part 4
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Jam Sandwiches
Sunday, 27 December 2020
2020 Review - Part 3
Those Hula Hoop shapes were turned into the body of Maenofferen water tank wagon which sits on an extended 3 ton slate waggon chassis.
Friday, 25 December 2020
Thursday, 24 December 2020
2020 Review - Part 2
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
2020 Review
Thursday, 17 December 2020
It's Fine
Himself has made a start at the second attempt at lining out Welsh Pony in its devilishly ornate livery.
This task required reserves of courage, determination and patience to be stockpiled before setting out!
He's using the lining components sheets we had supplied for us and has begun with the impossibly small orange line, and its black border, around the outside of the panels.
There's still some tidying up of the corners to be done - an enlargements like this are very unforgiving - but I think it's encouraging progress.
He tells me the curved line around the front of the saddle tank was particularly challenging.
Still, at least he's got something to keep him occupied during the inevitable January lockdown......
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Eight Track
I'm ready to put the Funkey bogie frames into production.
The master was completed with the aid of styrene strip and a butchered 10BA bolt to represent the springs.
That was made into a mould and copied four times to produce a second master to enable me to make a full set for a locomotive in one casting.
That will save a lot of effort given the number of enquiries I've had about these in the last few days.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Funkey Business
I've another little commercial project to round off a busy year of casting.
This time a customer has asked if I can help him improve the bogies on the Farish chassis under his SAR Funkey diesels.
These have very big chunky bogie frames, but the N gauge model not so much...
It should be simple enough for me to copy and cast the same solution we used on our own models which was to divide the bogie frame into a top and bottom half.
The lower section, with the axle boxes and the suspension, is attached to the model's bogies which have been cut back at the sides.
The upper section, with the brake control gear and the sandboxes, is fixed to the metal chassis block.
Only when the model is going around a very tight curve are you likely to notice that only the bottom half is moving.
Once the masters are made it's a simple task to run off four copies.
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
There's not been much to report on the blog in the last week.
I was busy with more commercial casting, while Himself's been kept fully occupied on a top secret project to be revealed later this month.
Once my outside work was out of the way I have made a little more progress on the prototype of the well wagon.
Having previously cast the two side pieces I now needed to make some masters for the spacers which will give the wagon more strength.
These were made in styrene and then the first ones cast and fixed to the prototype.
The intention is for brass sections, etched with a durbar plate pattern, to be fixed on top.
My next task will be to sort out the bogies which - in true FR fashion - are not identical.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Plum Again
Himself is painting Welsh Pony for the second time.
Having been stripped back to brass and primed it's now been sprayed with the Lancashire and Yorkshire purple brown colour.
Now he tells me he's trying to pluck up the courage to have a second go at lining it our with the new transfers we commissioned.
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Progressing Pipework
A few more parts have been added to 130 as the photo evidence emerges from Dinas.
The water injection pipes are in place on the frame below the cab, which have subtle differences to the other WHR Garratts.
The last major piece of the jigsaw before we can paint it is see for sure how exactly everything will be connected up the manifold on top of the firebox just in front of the cab.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Cover Version
130 is inching towards completion as photographs posted online give us more pieces of the jigsaw.
The latest part to be painted and lined with complete confidence is the cylinder covers.
The last major part outstanding now is the main boiler unit because we need to see confirmation of where the pipework will run from the top of the firebox into the front of the cab before we can finish off the details and begin painting it.
We've also now received the number plates from our friends at Narrow Planet which are excellent, as always.
Friday, 20 November 2020
Stripped Back
The Welsh Pony project has taken a step back ahead of - I hope - the final canter to completion.
Dissatisfied with the first attempt at lining out - and the residue it left on the surface after removal - Himself has got the paint stripper out and removed the original coat of purple brown gloss and the red oxide primer beneath, taken it back to brass and applied a fresh coat of grey primer.
This is all because we've received a sheet of bespoke lining transfers to try out.
As is our masochistic habit, we've decided to apply the lining from a combination of straights and corners, rather than one-piece prints that are available in larger scales.
That's our choice, and if you keep checking back on this blog you'll find out whether we live to regret it or not....
In the picture at the top you can see how the Mercian kit for the England engines comes apart for painting.
The motor is fixed into the body frame, rather than the chassis, and it's also worth considering that - according to the design - it should be mounted in a transverse position.
Well, good luck with that........
Monday, 16 November 2020
Diplomatic Service
Once again I'm being called up for commercial casting duties.
A regular customer is looking for an easy way to improve the interiors of his fleet of modern (I use the word advisedly) FR carriages and has decided the best way would be to get me to design and cast some seat and table units as I've done for the Superbarns and WHR carriages.
The carriages in question are the 'tin cars' and the Carnforth cars which from the early 90s onwards were fitted with what I always regarded as very elegant 'Diplomat' seats.
These were a great improvement visually on the bus seats installed in the carriages from their construction in the late 70s and through the 80s.
I miss the tin cars.
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Lovely Lattice
Yet more infrequent blogging - apologies.
I'm still hard at work casting wagon kits every day while Himself has been completing more fiendishly tricky brass signals for the Greenock club's new Kirkconnel layout.
He's making sure he's putting in his best work on these because the task is being shared with the chairman and I've got a feeling the competition is spurring them both on.
There'll be more news soon, I hope on Welsh Pony and 130.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
He Chutes
The last few days of modelling have been filled with more steady casting as I work to restock Narrow Planet with the full range of SAR wagon kits.
After a batch of DZs I've moved on to the most complex of my kits, the NG-Y ballast wagon.
The trickiest part to cast are the pieces which make up the ballast chutes at the bottom of the wagon.
Unusually this time I've been able to make a full batch without any mis-castings.
I must be getting the knack of this resin casting lark.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Chocolate Orange
Himself is already starting work on what I suspect will be a very complicated job of lining out Welsh Pony.
He's started with the gold / orange (call it what you like) band which runs around the outer edge of the panels.
The main part of the lining is going to need something bespoke.
The colours are so unusual that we can't really try replicating it with a composite made up from the menu of regular shades.
I've seen a few custom transfer producers are making sheets in larger scales but from my enquiries I've yet to receive a firm commitment to run some off in 4mm scale for us.
Hopefully we won't get stranded with a half-finished model....