Thursday, 16 April 2020

Double Bottom

While I've been casting a resin copy of the firebox Himself is cracking on with the main superstructure of Livingston Thompson, and I think I've discovered why it was I was given it as a freebie...

Have you spotted it?

Yes, this kit came with two bottom end castings!

They should be a mirror image of each other, so that when they are fixed onto the frame the coal bunkers are both on the stoker's side - look carefully at the picture and you can see that these would be diagonally opposite.

Never mind, it should be relatively easy fix -in any case the bunkers will be empty on this tow-around hulk.

Himself has also fixed in bolsters for bogie pivots which would normally be taken care of by the chassis block.

Speaking of which, it's my job to try to come up with a pair of ambulance bogies to tow it around on, which for its adventures in the 1980s were a pair of distinctively short wheelbase Polish bogies.

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