Tuesday, 28 April 2020

The Princess

That’s one job ticked off the lockdown wish list!

Himself has completed the painting, lining and (matt) varnishing of Princess.

It almost looks too good to be unpowered, doesn’t it!

I’ve had an ambition to have a  model of the engine in post-Blaenau plinth condition for as long as I can remember.

On this model the green is very faded from exposure to the elements but in all other respects it’s in peak Garrawegian condition with unique red frames and the wheel rims picked out in white.

Sadly, the loco made its way back home to Boston Lodge on the back of a lorry (much like its first arrival in Wales) but ours will be towed around Dduallt as a bit of self-indulgent modelling make believe.

I can imagine it might also spent much of its time parked on the truncated siding behind the signal box as a reminder of what might have been....

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